Wall of Fame
True success stories
We are proud to dedicate this page to those of who have made it through very tough times.
It takes more than just our efforts, it takes individuals who have worked very hard to make the decision
to overcome addiction.

Meet - Aiden Fuller
"Youth Recovery Connections is the most authentic organization out there. Micheal Salinas and YRC have given me the tools to live a healthy and sober life!
4 months clean!"
- Aiden Fuller

Meet - Josue Alejandro Velasquez Aleman
With the help, guidance, and support
of YRC Josue Alejandro Velasquez Aleman
will be living out his dream of joining
the Air Force!
Congratulations Alejandro!
“Trust yourself that you can do it and get it.”
- Alejandro Velasquez

Meet - Joshua Belmontez
"I am who I am today because of what YRC has done for me. They helped me to believe in myself and
I became a believer"
“The sky is the limit don’t underestimate yourself”
- Joshua Belmontez